Mission Statement
The mission of Siskiyou Child Care Council is to enhance the quality of life in Siskiyou County, by promoting the healthy growth and development of children and families through the provision of quality family, provider and child care services.
Make a Donation and Make a Difference
Your donation helps support our nonprofit organization's wide range of services and programs to benefit children and families. The Siskiyou Child Care Council partners with parents, child care providers, businesses, and the community to promote quality care and early education so that children are ready for school and parents can work.
With your support and partnership, our children can be successful in school and life.
To make a donation please call 530-938-2748 or 800-300-2748.
Ask your company if it has a matching gifts program
Give a gift in honor or memory of someone special
Make a gift of stock or securities
Include the Siskiyou Child Care Council in your planned giving arrangements
Give your time as a volunteer at the Child Care Council
Lend your voice to issues that support children and families
Tell a friend so that we can help more families
Administrative Office
Monday - Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm
closed 12:00pm-1:00pm
Tel: 530-938-2748 or 800-300-2748
Fax: 530-938-2741
170 Boles Street
Weed, CA 96094
P.O. Box 500
Weed, CA 96094
Siskiyou Child Care Center
Monday - Friday
7:30am to 5:30pm
Tel: 530-938-2793
Fax: 530-938-2741